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Being Positive Is a Choice!!

Hello beautiful soul!

I really want to share my thoughts on positivity with you today. I shared this on youtube last year for my Year of Happy series!

Ever since January, I have been on this massive personal development journey, and part of that journey is incorporating gratitude into my daily life. One major way, I try to stay grateful everyday is through journaling. I have been writing in my journal each day, and I try to say at least one thing positive every single day. It's easier to reach for a journal to vent or when you are trying to work out some negative emotions, but I think taking the time to write something positive each day helps you see that there are more good things than you think in your life. The five-minute journal is also a good tool to get into that kind of habit! Another big thing that helped me become more positive is to incorporate minimalism into my life. I started my decluttering journey back in april 2017, and because of that I still try to live minimally in all areas of my life. I came across a broader definition of minimalism than the simple act of decluttering your home. Marin Jayden, from the Grateful Gordons introduced me to the definition of minimalism that says that minimalism is about keeping the things that add value to your life and letting go of everything else. That includes people, situations, experiences, etc. So I have been keeping that in mind and kind of decluttering my thoughts, my interactions, etc. I also went on a massive unsubscription spree and only kept that channels that added value to my life. And I feel much better! Ultimately, I think it's all about perspective. When I realized that I wouldn't be the person I am today or where I am today without all the challenges I have gone through in the past, I was able to be grateful for those events, and et go of any resentment or regrets that I might have previously held against them. In the end, positivity is a choice! I hope this helped you, ​love,


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